Keeping Live Alive in 2022
We were stoked to flip the lights back on at the Lemmon Stage since re-opening on March 15th, and what a ride it’s been so far!In only 5 shows we’ve featured a diverse series of exciting music programming! Our line ups included innovative and empowering rising stars, from outstanding breakout talent to JUNO nominated artists. We were also thrilled to feature exclusive live interviews by the celebrated Alan Cross, and to debut our new award winning host Rudy Blair!

We were also thrilled to feature exclusive live interviews by the celebrated Alan Cross, and to debut our new award winning host Rudy Blair!

We had some special surprises to share along the way, including talent showcases from our industry partner Midnight, and a special star-studded charity-focused event Celebrating Music Therapy Awareness Month with the Canadian Therapy Music Fund.

We can’t wait to share more incredible experiences and stand-out talent with you, be sure to grab your tickets for our next jam packed show!